
Vico vision

Looking backwards on manufactures accidents and catastrophes of Chernobyl and Fukushima, Vico is looking forward to provide the secure industrial controlling technology to improve the viability and safeness of various Industries.

The industrial control systems (ICS) are such comprehensive bedrock of either Industry, as great chemical/nuclear Industry as Nano-robotics providing resilience of the industrial process. It is logically understandably ICS development cannot be driven by deductions of the persons being beyond of practical field although they have university’s scientific and/or engineering high skills. The lack of real long-time practice and responsibility leads to wrong development of the concepts, problems and solutions, called symptomatic paradigm, i.e. That is what we think as a problem is either not a problem, or can be applied to another system, or its solution is a result of incompetence.

In opposite to present tendencies declaring Industry 4.0 is forward step, Vico’s vision defines Industry 4.0 as to solve the problems looking at back to the problems origin, where whatever problem is a "technical casus”> which generally means the attractive specific solution which has been incompetently interpreted, applied, and further led to the wrong scientific concept, and/or violation of legal provisions.

Solving casuses is an optimal way to understand the origin of the problem. Such approach is applied when there is a need to investigate and solve any problem from few aspects: politic, economic, legal and techniques preventing unnecessary and unethical discussions.